Exactly What Is A Carbuncle? : Fantasy, Myth and Legends

To begin this exciting new blog, I have decided to do some research on my most favorite of the mythological creatures, the Carbuncle.

When one asks “What is your favorite mythological creature?”, most would say Dragons or Unicorns, maybe even a Gryphon! However, if someone were to ask me, I would most happily reply with a Carbuncle: A cat or dog like creature with a special gem enclosed on it’s forehead, sensing the emotions of all who come in contact with it. I cannot simply beat http://www.mythicalcreatureslist.com/ with their definition of a Carbuncle.

After looking into the links above, you would of just touched the surface of what a carbuncle actually is and the secret story behind this legend. To be quite contradictory and I quote from the above source, “It is said to have a shape that is somewhat a cross between a cat or a dog”, this is only partly true as I’ve found many other resources that indicate differently. One such example is from the Final Fantasy wiki that the Carbuncle can take the shape of birds and other mammals, and to day the least, there is no way to find out exactly what a Carbuncle actually looks like.

There is a great gem that is implanted on the Carbuncle which is rumored to have various protective effects from saving children from drowning to prevent sickness and poison. This fabled gem appears in most Historical Accounts such as the bible and William Shakespeare’s play: Hamlet. This information was gained from Wikipedia, a rather controversial website to research from.

Now, although we have gathered some information on this spectacle, there is in fact a very deep story to this beloved creature that we do not know about. This is where I stumbled across something magnificent, a piece of literature that I would never forget! “The Great Carbuncle” is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and easily the best reason why I love this astounding beast.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this and many more in the future!

Let me know what you think by sending an email to dexloveswolves@gmail.com

Have a nice day!

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